What is a Mortgage? Here Is Everything You Need to Know About!

What is a Mortgage: There are so many people, who have several mortgage questions, haunting them every day. There may be several reasons behind this fact. Either they are interested in applying for such a loan and wish to know more about it or they want to know about this topic in general. In your daily life, you must have heard several people applying for this kind of loan. However, do you know what a mortgage actually means? This is mainly a legal agreement between a lender and an applicant of such a loan. This agreement states the conditional authority of a property or an asset by its actual owner to a lender as a security for a specific amount of loan borrowed. This fact is recorded in the register of title documents in order to make it public. However, on proper and timely repayment of the loan, this agreement becomes void.

What is a Mortgage

Mortgage Loan Time Period

Usually, a mortgage loan has a time period of 15 to 30 years to be repaid. If an applicant is unable to repay the entire principal of the loan, together with the interest and any other expense, the lender has complete authority to sell off the property of the applicant to cover the debt. Having said this; there are still many people who have lots of mortgage questions in their minds. There are several lenders of such loans out in the market. However, sometimes you may notice that their rate of interest may be a bit different from one another. It is always recommended to take your time, compare the different interest rates and then choose the right lender.

Most Common Mortgage Questions

One of the most common mortgage questions is what the monthly installments include. When you pay your monthly installments, these generally include the principal, interest rate, insurance, and taxes. Together these are known as PITI. Read on to know more about these:


This is nothing but the actual amount of money you borrowed, from the lender, to buy your new home. As one of the debt questions, people usually wonder how to reduce this principal amount. There is one simple way to do so. All you need to do is before the actual principal amount is finalized; pay your lender a specific amount usually termed as the down payment. This will eventually lower the principal amount.

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This is generally expressed in terms of a specific percentage. This amount is charged by a lender to let his borrower use the loan amount. Another one of the several mortgage questions people have is whether this is the only charge by a lender. In reality, a lender may also charge you additional loan costs and points. To answer your questions about a mortgage loan in a proper manner, each point charged equals one percent of the total loan amount. This is also financed together with the actual principal.

In general, the monthly installment you pay mainly comprises the principal and the interest amount. Usually, a lender may consider your loan to be riskier if your down payment is less than 20%. In order to avoid such future risks from happening, your lender may set up an escrow account, which is used to collect the additional expenses. These are added to your monthly installment. This is also one of the several questions about mortgages people usually have in their minds.

Taxes and Insurance:

Taxes mainly include property taxes, which are a certain part of the actual value of your home. These taxes are basically used to run schools, build roads, and various other needs. On the other hand, if you do not have proper home insurance, your lender will not allow you to close the loan for the home you purchased.

Many people make mistakes in choosing the right lender for a mortgage loan. Before choosing a good and reliable lender, always ask yourself certain mortgagequestions. Answering them will help you make the right choice, as far as choosing the right lender is concerned. If you know anyone, who is a financial adviser, seeking his help should be of great benefit to you. He should be able to tell you where to apply for such a loan and what factors to consider while choosing a reliable lender.

What is a Mortgage

What is APR?

Have you been wondering about several mortgage questions lately? In that case, one of these questions may be regarding APR. Many people wonder what this acronym stands for, in real life. APR stands for Annual Percentage Rate and is primarily a way to compare the various costs of a loan. However, it is good for you to know that it is not a perfect way of comparing. It just helps you get an idea and also acts as a nice standard to compare the various percentage costs of different kinds of loans. Sometimes, people find it a tough task to find the right source to answer their questions regarding APR. They either make a mistake in choosing such a source or end up dropping the idea of finding out more about this topic.

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Importance of Using APR

Out of the several mortgage questions, people also wonder about the importance of using APR. In easy language, it is not possible for every person to get a clear idea about various kinds of loans and how these work. If your luck wears out and you land in the hands of a slick lender, he may quote you several numbers, which will all seem like a foreign language to you. On the other hand, if your lender quotes you the APR of a loan, it can be a lot easier for you to understand. This was also a rule passed by the US Government in the Truth in Lending Act.

Many people also ask questions like what is actually meant by APR, as one of the numerous mortgage questions. APR basically lets you calculate the total cost of the loan in terms of a certain percentage. If you find it tough to find the right person to help you out with questions relating to APR, then read on to find out tips to find such a person without having to waste much time:

  • Internet: People also have debt questions as to how to find the right person to answer their questions regarding any kind of loan. If you take out some of your time and use it on the internet, you will find answers to several of your mortgage questions. There are many websites, which can give you useful information about any kind of loan. Many people have used this technique and have got great results. However, care should be taken to seek guidance from reputed and reliable websites. There are several fake ones on the internet, as well. You better stay away from these sites, since they may give you wrong information.
  • Experts: Wondering how to find experienced professionals to help you get answers to questions about mortgages? The best place to start is your local bank. Here you will find many financial advisors, who can help you find answers to questions. These professionals have many years of experience in this field and will be the best people to help you out. They can also help you choose the right lender as per your requirements and preferences. However, if you do not wish to consult with an expert from a bank, you will find several such professionals, who work individually, as well.
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Bottom Lines

These are two of the best ways to find answers to any type of question about mortgages. Apart from these, if you have a relative, who works in a financial institution, you may also seek his help. He should be able to give you unbiased advice since you are his relative. However, which idea you opt for, is completely based upon your fancies and convenience.

Since it is a matter of a new home, it is always advisable to take your time, when it comes to choosing the right lender. If you take one wrong step, it can be disastrous in the long run. Home loans or, in that case, any type of loan means borrowing a large sum of money. If you are not careful, while applying for such a loan amount, you may get into numerous financial issues in the long run. This is why it is always better to plan in advance and think of every step carefully, rather than taking hasty decisions. If you have mortgage questions haunting you, then get them cleared before progressing further.

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